Everyone knows the traditional Vanilla, the famous spice with an unmistakable smell that perfumes several cosmetic products and even more tastes delicious desserts. Grown abundantly in Madagascar or in East Asian countries like Papua and New Guinea, Vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world, behind only Spanish saffron. However, the conventional version of this spice found a strong competitor on Brazilian soil: Cerrado’s Vanilla, which has a larger, fatter pod, in addition to having a marked floral and sweet aroma, considered a treasure of the Cerrado.

A little of history
First of all it is important to talk a little more about the spice itself, in order to understand what is special and different from the Cerrado’s Vanilla in relation to the traditional Vanilla.
You can easily find vanilla essence bottles on supermarket shelves. However, most of them usually contain artificial aroma obtained in the laboratory. Always check the labels of the essences, or opt for vanilla in its fresh form, in fava beans found in specialized stores.
A big family
Used in the kitchen a little over 400 years ago, not everyone knows that vanilla comes from orchids of the Vanilla species. The orchid family contains more than 20,000 members, of which only 150 are varieties of Vanilla Orchids. However, vanilla is the only edible product in this large family.

The Vanilla Market
It is estimated that 97% of the vanilla used today in the world is artificial and not pure. Even more after a hurricane in 2000 that affected part of Madagascar’s Vanilla plantations, driving up prices. As a result, many manufacturers have switched from natural to synthetic. We have become so used to the artificial flavor that, in blind tests, many people now prefer the flavor of artificial vanilla over natural flavor. Interestingly, it is possible that you have never tasted the real taste of vanilla. So in that case, a wonderful discovery awaits you!
Treasure of Chapada dos Veadeiros
With the scientific name Vanila edwalli, the Vanilla from the Cerrado, it comes from beautiful yellowish orchids, its broad beans are gigantic when compared to the African ones. Also known as the Banana Vanilla, due to its size, as well as size and colors resembling a banana, the Brazilian vanilla has a striking, floral and sweet aroma.
Cultivation of Cerrado Vanilla
The pod, the fruit of the orchid, is the spice in question. It has an elongated shape (hence the allusion to banana) and can reach 25 cm in length. Cerrado’s Vanilla grows naturally in the Cerrado biome, popularly known as “the savannas of Brazil” however its cultivation requires great care. The vanilla orchid is a climbing plant, and should be tied in shady places, close to streams.
Like the African fruit, growing Cerrado’s Vanilla requires a lot of work. Each flower produces a few broad beans a year, and it only grows in humid environments, usually around swamps, in addition to needing rare bee pollination. But luckily on the slopes of the mountains in the region of the city of Goiás, about 150 kilometers from Goiânia, everything has conspired in favor, facilitating the cultivation of vanilla on Brazilian soil.
Cerrado Vanilla Harvest
The pod of the Cerrado’s Vanilla is harvested while still green, because when it matures it becomes easy prey for animals such as birds and monkeys, attracted by its strong sweet aroma. Once harvested, the fruit is rolled up in newspapers and spends a long time in the drying and ripening process to reach the black and sweet beans.

How to use Cerrado’s Vanilla
The vanilla flavor resides in two different parts: the pod and the seeds. You can remove the seeds by opening the pod with a knife in the direction of the length, scraping the seeds that are inside and using them directly in your kitchen. For even more surprising results, Cerrado’s Vanilla can be immersed in a solution containing alcohol, for even more flavor. See below how to prepare:

Cerrado’s Vanilla Extract
To make the extract, it is necessary to make an infusion, that is, add the Cerrado’s Vanilla bean in an alcoholic liquid.
You will need:
- 1 Cerrado’s Vanilla Bean
- 1 cup of organic cachaça (can be vodka, rum or another drink that has an alcohol content between 30 and 40%)
- First cut the Cerrado’s Vanilla bean in half lengthwise, with the back of a knife scrape the seeds.
- Place the bean and seeds in a sterilized glass, then add the vodka and close (the liquid should cover the whole bean, if necessary cut it).
- Store the glass in a dark, cool place for at least two months.
- The longer you let your extract stand, the more intense your final taste will be.
- Every 1 week shake the bottle to homogenize the ingredients, so that you will have your precious Cerrado’s Vanilla extract to prepare delicious recipes.
Cerrado’s Vanilla has received more attention within gastronomy in recent years due to its slightly more acidic flavor, as well as its size being larger and more voluminous.
More recently, gastronomy has included spices in the finishing of savory and meat-based dishes. However, it is more common in the preparation of sweets, juices, infusions, drinks.
Where to buy Cerrado’s Vanilla
In Goiás
Cerrado’s Vanilla has small production concentrated in the city, so it is found at a more affordable price in agroecological fairs such as Alto Paraíso de Goiás, one hundred kilometers from the Vão de Almas community or in the Municipal Market of Goiás. Therefore, when visiting Chapada dos Veadeiros, do not forget to include in your itinerary the tasting of this treasure of the Cerrado.
Other regions
The good news is that the Cerrado’s Vanilla has increasingly conquered the market. And it is already possible to find it in other regions of the country. That is, when buying vanilla look for the Cerrado’s Vanilla, in addition to the Brazilian version being bigger and with a more intense flavor than the conventional Vanilla, we value a national product and help to keep the cerrado alive.